Tuesday 22 September 2015

Hump Day Healthy: Insalata Amapalaya

It's hump day again, my friends! 

Wednesday can be tricky--it could bring the "Yes, weekend is almost here!" excitement or "Urgh, I am still not done with this hill of work" dread in you. But whichever way you look at Wednesday, you should have a healthy meal that could give you energy for blazing ahead or ranting out loud at work.

You might say: But I am busy! I don't even have the time to have a leisurely lunch, much more to prepare my own lunch. I know. How can I have the time to prepare my own meals when I am already busy being busy. But as the cliche goes: if there's a will, there's a way. If you really want to control what you are eating and be sure of what you are feeding your body; the best way is to cook your own meals. Think of the benefits: Cooking your own meals could help you be fit and save money in the long run. Less trip to the doctors, less  medicine expenses. And did I mention, it could help you look good too?

For those who are are afraid to cook, perceive themselves as talentless in the culinary department, or just tad lazy switching the stove on, here's a my spartan Insalata Amapalaya recipe, which does not require the use of a stove or any electric/gas-powered kitchen appliance.

Side note: When I was a kid, I avoid Ampalaya at all cost. I never thought that I will like eating it as an adult. Perhaps it's really an acquired taste. There are theories that the reason why kids hate vegetables is that their tongues are not yet fully developed to appreciate certain flavors--that includes those found in vegetables. Based on my own gastronomic adventures though, I discovered that eating Ampalaya raw makes it less bitter. Surprisingly, it's a perfect match to other vegetables commnly used for refreshing salads.  

A tip from my mom to lessen Ampalaya's bitter taste:  rub the Amapalaya with salt and wash it before cooking or eating raw. 

The Recipe

Amapalaya [1 medium-sized, cut diagonally]
Tomatoes [ 2 medium-sized, diced]
Onion [1 medium-sized, chopped]
Cucumber [1 medium-sized, cut into strips]
Salted egg [1 or 2 pieces]


Apple Cider Vinegar [3 tablespoons]
Olive Oil [1 tablespoon]
Sesame Oil [ 1 tablespoon]
Cayenne Pepper [To taste]
Salt [To taste]
Honey [1/2 tablespoon]


1. Toss all vegetables into a bowl. Add the salted egg. Add nuts for texture (optional)
2. Combine all ingredients of the dressing and drizzle it over the mixed vegetables. 
3. Serve cold.  

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